Behaviour Policy
Last update: 15th June 2024
General uniform rules
Style: Casual business style of clothing for classes
Color scheme of business style clothes: monotone, calm tones, without inscriptions and drawings. Preferred combinations are light top, dark bottom.
Business style excludes: short tops, blouses with deep necklines, trousers and skirts on the hips, skirts less than 40cm long, transparent clothes, slippers, flip-flops, smart watches or FitBits.
Accessories: children may wear modest costume jewellery, minimal use of pastel-coloured cosmetics. It is not recommended to wear expensive accessories to school.
No makeup to be worn.
All long hair should be tied back at all times.
What should I bring to school?
Children should bring a healthy snack of fruit, vegetables, sandwiches for breaks.
Please, do not include chocolate, nuts to the packed lunch in case of allergies.
All children should have a named water bottle. This should contain only water. Fizzy drinks are not allowed.
Smart watches, and digital devices should not be brought to school and will be kept by a member of staff until the end of the day. If a child brings their phone to the business-school, then on arrival it should be switched off/on silent and kept out of sight, for example in a bag or locker. It should not be seen or heard (including vibrate) throughout the business-school day.
Children may bring hand sanitiser and tissues.
Alpha+ kid’s code of honour:
Alpha+ kid is honest and fair.
Alpha+ kid has compassion and is always ready to help others.
Alpha+ kid fulfils the requirements of parents and every member of staff.
Alpha+ kid shows respect and politeness.
Alpha+ kid is pure in thoughts, words and deeds.
Alpha+ kid is thrifty and respects other people's property.
Alpha+ kid is hardworking and persistent.
Alpha+ kid is cheerful and never loses heart.
Alpha+ kid is proactive and responsible for the results of his actions.
Alpha+ kid is decent and tolerant of others.
Children should make every effort to:
Be at school 10–15 minutes before classes start.
Be neat in appearance in accordance with school standards.
Protect school property.
Support our vision and values of the school.
Be prepared and ready to learn.
Accept responsibility for the things that they do.
Tell a member of staff if they are worried or unhappy.
Complete and return homework if we gave one.
Ask for help if needed and try their best in all that they do.
During breaks, you are allowed to move quietly along the corridor.
Maintain discipline in class.
Dress in accordance with the requirements of the school.
It is prohibited to leave the classroom during lessons or during a break without notifying the member of staff.
If a child wishes to leave the classroom, they must inform any member of staff who will help them.
Leaving school is permitted immediately after the end of day. Parents should pick up their children near the main entrance. If the child is allowed to go home alone, the parent must notify the administration and sign the release form.