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Safer recruitment Policy
Last update: 12th May 2024

1. Introduction
The safer recruitment of staff and volunteers is the first step to safeguarding and
promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults. As an
employer, Targitai ltd expects all staff and volunteers to share this
commitment. In order to help safeguard and promote the welfare of everyone in
its care, Targitai ltd is committed to a thorough and consistent Safer Recruitment policy.
Targitai ltd Director has completed Safer Recruitment training.

2. Aims and objectives
The aim of the Safer Recruitment policy is to help deter, reject or identify people
who might abuse or are otherwise unsuited to working with children, young
people and vulnerable adults, by having appropriate recruitment procedures in
Targitai ltd has a principle of open competition in its approach to recruitment and will
seek to recruit the best applicant for the job. The recruitment and selection
process should ensure the identification of the person best suited to the job
based on the applicant’s abilities, qualification, experience and merit as
measured against the job description and person specification.
The recruitment and selection of staff will be conducted in a professional, timely
and responsive manner and in compliance with current employment legislation.
If a member of staff involved in the recruitment process has a close personal or
familial relationship with an applicant they must declare as soon as they are
aware of the individual’s application and avoid any involvement in the
recruitment and selection decision-making process.
The policy objective is to operate this procedure consistently and thoroughly
while obtaining, collating, analysing and evaluating information from and about
applicants applying for job vacancies at Targitai ltd.

3. Roles and responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the Director to:
• Ensure that Targitai ltd has effective policies and procedures in place for recruitment
of all staff and volunteers in accordance with relevant legislation
• Monitor compliance with these policies and procedures
It is the responsibility of the Director involved in recruitment to:
• Ensure that Targitai ltd operates safer recruitment procedures and makes sure all
appropriate checks are carried out on all staff and volunteers.
• Promote the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults at every
stage of the procedure.

4. Recruitment and selection procedure
4.1 Advertising

To ensure equality of opportunity, Targitai ltd will advertise vacant posts to
encourage as wide a field of applicant as possible. This normally means
external adverts, however, in a few cases; this can be internal adverts only.
Some posts may be filled by internal merit-based promotions. Any
advertisement will make clear Targitai ltd commitment to safeguarding. All
documentation relating to applicants will be treated confidentially in
accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, UK General Data Protection
Regulation and ICO Employment Practices Code.

4.2 Application Forms
Targitai ltd uses its own application form and all applicants for employment will be
required to complete an application form containing questions about their
full employment history and their suitability for the role (in addition, all
applicants are required to account for any gaps or discrepancies in
employment history). The application form will include the applicant’s
declaration regarding convictions and working with children, young people
and vulnerable adults.
All applicants will be made aware that providing false information is an
offence and could result in the application being rejected or summary
dismissal if the applicant has been selected, and possible referral to the
police and/or professional regulatory body’s if appropriate.

4.3 Job Description and Person Specification
A job description is a key document in the recruitment process and must be
finalised prior to taking any other steps in the recruitment process. It will
clearly and accurately set out the duties and responsibilities of the job role.
The person specification is of equal importance and informs the selection
decision. It details the skills, experience, abilities and expertise that are
required to do the job. The person specification will include a specific
reference to suitability to work with children, young people and vulnerable
adults, where applicable.

4.4 Interviews
There will be a face-to-face interview wherever possible, and the same panel
will see all the shortlisted applicants for the vacant position. The interview
process will explore the applicant’s ability to carry out the job description and
meet the person specification. It will enable the panel to explore any
anomalies or gaps which have been identified in order to satisfy themselves
that the chosen applicant can meet the safeguarding criteria.
Any information in regard to past disciplinary action or allegations, cautions
or convictions will be discussed and considered in the circumstance of the
individual case during the interview process. At least one member of any
interviewing panel will have undertaken safer recruitment training and an HR
representative should, wherever possible, be a member of the interview
All applicants who are invited to an interview will be required to bring
evidence of their identity, address and qualifications. Original documents will
only be accepted and photocopies will be taken. Unsuccessful applicant
documents will be destroyed following the end of the recruitment

4.5 Offer of appointment and new employee process
The appointment of all new employees is subject to the receipt of a
satisfactory DBS Certificate, references, medical questionnaire and copies of
qualifications and proof of identity. A personnel file checklist will be used to
track and audit paperwork obtained in accordance with safer recruitment.
The Director will confirm that all paperwork has been received and
then a start date can be agreed.

4.6 References
References for the successful applicant will be sent for immediately following
interview. Two professional references must be provided. One must be from
the candidate’s current or most recent employer. These will always be sought
and obtained directly from the referee and their purpose is to provide
objective and factual information. Any discrepancies or anomalies will be
followed up. Targitai ltd does not accept open references, testimonials, or references
from relatives. Employment is subject to these references being satisfactory.


4.7 The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 does not apply to positions which
involve working with, or having access to children, young people and
vulnerable adults. Therefore, any convictions and cautions that would
normally be considered ‘SPENT’ must be declared when applying for any
position at Targitai ltd.

4.8 DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) Certificate
All staff at Targitai ltd require an ‘Enhanced DBS Certificate (in some cases a
DBS certificate with a Barred List is required and, in some cases, a ‘standard’
certificate is appropriate). The appropriate DBS Certificate will be obtained
before the commencement of employment of any new employee. All new
staff are required to join the update service and a rolling programme for
current staff is in place to joint the update service. All Volunteers will be risk
assessed and will be subject to the same checks as members of staff, as
appropriate, and we also request them to register with the DBS update
service. See the Targitai ltd Disclosure and Barring Service Policy for further

4.9 Safeguarding and Prevent
All staff are required to complete Safeguarding for children, safeguarding for
adults and PREVENT training. The safeguarding online training modules offer
an introduction to Safeguarding and the Prevent duty module, explains how it
aims to safeguard vulnerable people from being radicalised to supporting
terrorism or becoming terrorists themselves.

4.10 Proof of identity, Right to Work in the UK & Verification of Qualifications
and/or professional status

All applicants invited to attend an interview will be required to bring their
identification documentation such as passport, birth certificate, driving
licence etc. with them as proof of identity/eligibility to work in UK in
accordance with guidance set out in the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality
Act 2006 and DBS Code of Practice Regulations. In addition, applicants must
be able to demonstrate that they have actually obtained any academic or
vocational qualification legally required for the position and claimed in their
application form.

4.11 Overseas checks
All new employees where persons have lived outside the UK are subject to
additional checks in accordance with Immigration, Asylum and Nationality
Act 2006.

4.12 Record Retention
Targitai ltd will retain all interview notes on all applicants for a period of 6 months,
after which time the notes will be destroyed. The 6-month retention period
allows Targitai ltd to deal with any data access requests, recruitment queries
or to respond to any complaints made to an Employment Tribunal. 

5. Empoyment
5.1 Induction Programme

All new employees will be given an induction programme which will clearly
identify Targitai ltd policies and procedures, including the Safeguarding Policy and
make clear the expectation and codes of conduct which will govern how staff
carry out their roles and responsibilities.

5.2 Single Central Register
In addition to the staff record kept on individual personnel files, a single
centralised record of recruitment and vetting checks is kept. This is kept up-to-date and retained by the Director.
The Centralised Register contains details of the following: -
• all employees who are employed to work for Targitai ltd;
• all others who have been chosen by Targitai ltd to work in the organisation.
This will cover volunteers, contractors and employees.

5.3 Ongoing Employment
Targitai ltd recognises that safer recruitment and selection is not just about the start
of employment but should be part of a larger policy framework for all staff
and will therefore provide ongoing training and support for all staff, as
identified through the Annual Review/Appraisal process.

5.4 Leaving Employment
Despite the best efforts to recruit safely there may be occasions when
allegations of abuse against children, young people and vulnerable adults are
raised. In cases relating to the behaviour of an employee (these behaviours
are within the context of four categories of abuse (i.e.: physical, sexual and
emotional and neglect) the Disciplinary Policy will apply.
In cases of dismissal (or resignation) due to the above behaviour, Targitai ltd will
inform the relevant authorities of the circumstances surrounding the
employee’s departure.

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